Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Repair Runtime Error 70

Runtime Error 70 is a common Windows error caused by insufficient privileges / user rights when trying to access various pieces of data over a network. This is a big problem, and because the Runtime error is created when you use an application / do something on your PC, it can be quite difficult to resolve. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to resolve this error for good, and this article is going to show you exactly what to do.

This error normally displays in this format:

Home Window Repair

Run-time error '70′:

Permission Denied

In order to repair the Runtime Error 70, you first need to ensure that your user permissions are fine, and then that you have a series of measures in place to make sure it does not occur again. The problem is that whenever you want to connect to a server, you need to have permissions to access that machine. If Windows has some problem which prevents you accessing it, it will just run in a continuous loop of trying to access it again. To stop this from occurring, Microsoft introduced the '70' runtime error, and here's how to fix it:

The first step to repair this error is to enable "Authorization Checking" and to also grant permission to your user accounts. This will not only allow your user to access the data you need, but it will also allow Windows to better communicate with the server machine.

After doing that, it's recommended that you clean out the "registry" of your PC with a registry cleaner. The registry is a database inside Windows which stores a large number of files and settings for your system, allowing Windows to keep a variety of information stored for future use. Unfortunately, the registry is also one of the biggest causes of problems for Windows, and is often the cause of many Runtime errors. Unfortunately, the registry (and all the vital settings inside it) often become damaged, and unreadable. To make sure this is not a problem, you need to use a registry cleaner to scan through all the files on your PC and repair them. This will ensure that any minor issues causing the Runtime Error are dealt with swiftly and securely.

How to Repair Runtime Error 70

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